February is fast approaching and this week, all GSLs have recieved a #YouShape pack in preparation. This contains printed copies of all the resources plus the following letter:
“Following the success of #YouShape Week 2016, where over 20,000 young people and volunteers got involved, this year sees the entire month of February dedicated to #YouShape.
Youth Shaped Scouting is a part of our everyday programme, but February provides an opportunity to really focus on supporting young people and leaders to embed this traditional value and to celebrate great examples of Youth Shaped Scouting in practice.
The YouShape Team want to see the impact you are making locally this year, which is why there is no national event. Use the month to focus on and talk about Youth Shaped Scouting or launch a project. Whatever you do, keep the momentum going until next year!
There are 4 outcomes that we want to achieve nationally:
- Raise the profile and understanding of Youth Shaped Scouting across the organisation. We have set a target of at least 50,000 young people across 80% of Districts to take part in some way.
- Increase the quality and quantity of sectional Youth Shaped Scouting such as PL Forums and Sixers meetings where young people get to express their ideas and gain more leadership opportunities.
- Youth Commissioners working collaboratively with their Districts/Counties/Areas to embed Youth Shaped Scouting into the four main areas of the #YouShape strategy: Programme, Leadership, Management and Governance.
- Work in partnership nationally to shape the future aspirations of the UK Scout Association.
In Blacktoft Beacon these aims will look like this, which we will work towards throughout 2017:
- 80% of Sections to take part in #YouShape and proudly wear the YouShape badges & wristbands to show this.
- Peer Leadership opportunities available in all sections and to all Young People. They can then gain valuable leadership skills and build upon these as they progress through the movement, right up to the Young Leaders Scheme.
- Use the YS Scouting Action Plan Toolkit to evaluate the District and develop an action plan to help us improve.
- Sections completing the Beyond 2018 survey and also passing on any ideas and feedback for the District Team to take to Summit 17.
Included in this pack for your Group are the 3 main resources to use throughout the year; Activity Inspirations, Wear Their Necker and #YouShape Pledges. These are intended for use by your Section leaders, so please ensure they are available to them. You can also download them electronically from scouts.org.uk/youshape along with certificates for taking part.
As we do not have a Local Youth Commissioner, if you would like to achieve your Silver or Gold #YouShape Pledge, then please get in touch with me to discuss what you have done and to receive your certificate. We will also be advertising exciting opportunities for Young People to get involved in Wear Their Necker at a District level, so keep your eye on the newsletters for more information.
Lastly, don’t forget to order your badges and wristbands from ScoutShops for taking part and remember to shout about your involvement on social media!”
Rachael Macadam
Deputy District Commissioner