- Attendance: Shaun Wilson, Linda Thelwell, Rachael Macadam, Barbara Simpson, Paul Daniel, Emma Taylor, Claire Moverley, Neil Begbie, Craig Whiteley, Andy Threlfall, Russell Hodson, Lucy Rigby, Kim Grainger, Peter Lamb, Bradley Cowley, Donna Horwood.
Apologies: Sarah Laws, Allan Moore, Josh Railton, June Godfrey.
- None
- DC reminded everyone that copies of accident reports need to be sent to District as well as passing onto HQ.
- GSLs have received all information needed to complete 2017 Census return. District requires details of all young people too. Explorer and Young Leader numbers need to be sent to District and form part of the District return, not Groups. The numbers submitted should be true on 31st January and they need to be submitted to DC by 18th All money should be with the District Treasurer by 15th March. Please stick to these dates so we can receive the discount. Joy (Appointments Secretary) also needs to know who is your Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer so these can be recorded. Remember that again this year, we are only paying for the Young People.
At this point a discussion between leaders was had regarding the average price Groups charge for Subs to cover running costs and membership fees. - Dates of future events were circulated and everyone was reminded that these are all available on the website.
- Upcoming Events:
- Beaver Sleepover: The event has been oversubscribed so all sections interested have been asked to confirm accurate numbers ASAP. It was suggested that non-refundable deposit be introduced for future sleepovers to ensure a commitment.
- St George’s Day: It will just be Blacktoft Beacon this year so we need commitment from Groups to ensure we can afford to bring in the larger, more expensive activities. To help with this the meeting unanimously agreed to raise the price to £5 this Attendance status from all Groups needed by 13th
- The following dates were circulated:
- District Explorer Leaders Meeting on 23rd January at South Cave HQ
- YL Module A on 28th January at Ferriby & Swanland HQ
- YL Module K on 18th February at Howden HQ
- Walk the Beverley 20 on 25th March
- Tablers Working Weekend on 18th March – Perfect for service part of D of E or challenge badges.
- Campcraft on 19th – 21st May, Explorers welcome to assist with bases, taking part in some activities and Module A may also be run if needed.
Currently have about 25 Explorers attending Poacher this year with the deadline for numbers fast approaching.
DESC is aiming to put on an activity every month for Explorers to join in as part of their Unit or on their own, such as the Beverley 20.
- Network have a range of events planned over the next few months, which can be found via their Facebook page.
- All GSLs were given a pack containing copies of this year’s #YouShape resources. These contain lots of ideas of how sections and groups can engage in #YouShape month. Any sections wanting to earn their Silver or Gold Pledge should contact Rachael DDC.
Date of the next meeting – Monday 3rd April 2017, South Cave HQ.