I just want to update those leaders who were not at the AGM.First of all, on the subject of District badges, I have to advise that Barbara Simpson has relinquished her role as District Badge Secretary and has now relinquished…
Group AGMs
It is also Group AGM time so Alan Haywood asks that GSLs or Group Chairs let him know the details of your AGM and himself and members of the District team will do their utmost to attend.
Further preparation for Transformation
In preparation for the Transformation Project there are some things that we can all get on with now that will make all our lives simpler in the future. Firstly- Review the roles we all have on Compass and make sure…
Prepare for Change
You will all be aware that there is a transformation process going on within Scouting at present. The recent information is about the future of District and Group Executives. There is much more detail contained ithe June issue of the…
Williams Den Work Opportunity
Williams Den have approached us about the following opportunity to earn some cash over the Half Term break. They have a 175 ft inflatable assault course coming from Saturday 27th May to Sunday 4th June. This needs to have 2 or 3 members of…
District AGM – Save The Date
Save the date, Thursday 13th July 2023 Our AGM will be taking place at North Cave Village Hall HU15 2NH at 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start More information and nomination forms will be shared in June.
Holiday Period
Please note that I will be away on holiday from Saturday 13th May until Friday 25th May inclusive. Contact by e mail may prove difficult due our varying destinations during this period as will mobile phone signals be variable. Leaders first port…
Appointment of a District Young Leader Leader
I am pleased to announce that Charlotte Rymer has been appointed to the role of District Young Leader Leader. She will work closely with the Explorer team in Blacktoft to ensure the requirements of the scheme are met and that…
St George’s Day Gallery
Thank you to everyone who braved the wet and cold to make our St George’s Day celebration a success. Below are the images taken throughout the day thanks to Stuart Nimmo / BBITS.
Nominate a Charity for £1000
The benefactor group have launched their Movement for Good campaign. The Movement for Good Awards is their annual programme of giving, giving over £1million to charities and good causes – with your help. You can nominate as many charities as you like…