First Response

Who needs First Response learning

First Response learning is currently required by volunteers who work directly with young people or may be reasonably expected to work directly with young people will require First Response.

We encourage everybody in Scouts to complete First Response learning whether they require it or not. We are proud of how many of our members have completed first aid learning, it is a benefit to Scouting and it is a benefit to our communities. 

The definitive guide to who is required to complete the First Response learning is in POR Chapter 16: Roles Table

First Response learning, once completed, must be renewed every three years. The renewal date is determined by the completion date of 10A.

Completing First Response learning

There are 3 routes you can choose to complete First Response, designed to give flexibility to volunteers. Select the route that works best for you.

One Day Course

This is the most straight forward option, allowing you to complete all elements in one day.

Blended Learning

This is the most flexible option, allowing you to complete large parts of the learning in your own time and removing the need to give up a whole day.

External Course

If you have completed an external first aid course and would like it to be recognised for Scouting, you must follow the steps below. This ensures your training meets the Scouts’ First Response syllabus and your records are correctly updated.

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