Nights away forms should now be submitted via MyMembership through
You can find a video and guide at the bottom of this page on how to submit your NAN form.
Nights away forms should be submitted as soon as possible and at least 7 days prior to the event. When submitting your NAN form, you will need:
- Up to date Risk Assessment.
- Know which adult volunteers are attending, this can be updated closer to the event if there are any changes. Any changes will require you to update the NAN form in MyMembership. All adult attendees require a valid DBS and the completion of Safety and Safeguarding.
- Approx. Young People numbers. Any noticeable changes to attendee numbers should be updated in the NAN Form, especially if this affects your ratios.
- Venue details.
- Leader in Charge and Permit Holder.
Any NAN form submitted within 7 days of the first Night Away will be rejected (POR 9.1.2).
All groups undertaking a night away activity must have immediate access to someone who has a current First Aid qualification, minimum First Response. The level of First Aid competence required for each activity should be determined by the activity risk assessment. However, a full first aid certificate, as defined in First Aid (FS120052), must be held for those operating in remote environments, where travelling time is 3 hours or more (in the method of travel being used) to a point of refuge, including at least one of:
- a road which carries a normal road-going ambulance
- a building which is occupied such as a farm or harbour
- another means of calling help such as a telephone box.
- Log in to My Membership. Visit > login (top right corner or page) > select MyMembership.
- Scroll down on front page and click ‘Complete a nights away form’. Or navigate via Programme Support on the side menu.
- It is split into three sections, complete each of these:
- Event information: this is where you will select the type of event, the level (known as hierarchy) eg. is it your section, group or district, if you’ll be using an event passport, the start and end date, the number of attendees and venue details.
- Event Leadership Information: Select who the permit holder is, the name of all adult attending and what activities you will be completing. If any of these details change, the form needs to be updated. If you can’t find all the leaders attending when entering in the correct box, please enter their names in the ‘Activities’ text box.
- Planning and approval: Complete InTouch details, confirm and attach your risk assessment, add any other documents you think are appropriate, confirm you have considered contingency plans and confirm you have notified you Group Lead Volunteer/14-24 Team Lead.
- Once you have completed your form you can then click submit. At any point through completing the form you can click save, this will allow you to close the page and return with all the details completed at the point you clicked save. Please note, you always need to click submit to send it for approval.
- You can view any Night Away forms which you have submitted yourself by navigating in the side menu to: ‘Programme Support’ > ‘Nights away notifications’ > My nights away notifications’.
- Here you can see the status of the form.
- If you need to make any changes, click on the blue type of event option for the event which you which to update.
- If you have any issues, submitting the NAN form, please contact the Lead Volunteer as soon as possible on