Our new membership system launched last month, I hope you have taken the time to login and explore the system. The new system is where you will complete all your online learning, apply for permits, complete NANs, nominate volunteers for awards and keep your details up to date (plus much more).
Can I please encourage everyone to access the new system by using your invitation email from Paul Fix & Lara Burns. Please check you spam folder of you haven’t received anything yet.
The digital tools are made up of MyMembership and MyLearning. MyMembership is where you’ll update your details and complete most tasks. MyLearning is the new location for all you ongoing learning like Safety and Safeguarding. When you complete this learning, your profile will update automatically- so no more having to save and send any certificates!
If you experience any issues with the new system then please report it here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=F9gBQ8kIlU6UIQMOwpthQkgQicWb-VhPgfZkWLCkXuNUM1NYMjRJUFFXWk1aUkRXQTZVUFBQMTBUVS4u
The county team have organised drop in sessions to help with the new system, they will be available to help with signing in, navigating the system or completing specific tasks. The first will be taking place on 4th January 2025 and can be booked onto here: www.humbersidescouts.org.uk/transformation/dropin.