District Leadership Team
Meet the team responsible for keeping Blacktoft Beacon running. Providing leadership and support to leaders across the district.

Josh Morablanco
Lead VolunteerJosh is the lead volunteer for Blacktoft Beacon, responsible for keeping the district running, overseeing the amazing Scouting that takes place and supporting the growth of Scouting in our area. Josh has been a member of Scouts since he was a Scout himself, after being a Young Leader he has held a number of adult roles including Beaver leader and more recently 14-24 Lead. Please contact Josh if you have any questions, concerns or general enquiries about Scouting in Blacktoft Beacon.
Volunteer vacancies
Take a look at our current volunteer vacancies
Trustee Board
The Trustee Board shapes and approves the strategy of the District and monitors our performance against that strategy.
Programme Team
Organising events for the district and providing programme, activities and nights away support.
Volunteering Development Team
Providing advice and guidance to leaders on all things learning, recruitment, reviews and recognition.
Support Team
Provides support to the district and its teams.
14-24 Team
The 14-24 oversees and supports our Explorer Units, Young Leader Units and Network provision.