Hello Groups,
We are looking forward to seeing everyone back together again on Sunday, for our St George’s Activity Day at Beverley Racecourse.
Below are a few reminders for you to please share with your Leaders, to help the day run smoothly.
Risk Assessment
Attached is the overall risk assessment for the Event. Please read through this and ensure your Leaders and adult volunteers attending have had chance to read through this before Sunday.
This is attached and we will print a copy for each Group on the day. Please print more yourselves if you would like them for the orienteering course.
Cars in Group Areas
As it says on the original info document, the site will be available from 8:00am on Sunday morning if anyone wishes to put up shelters and set up their Group Areas, before their young people arrive.
You are welcome to drive inside the fence to unload, but then as soon as you have unloaded everything, please move your car to the parking area outside of the fence. With 21 Groups joining us this year from Blacktoft and Beverley & Hornsea, we will be tight on space, so we need to utilise all of it. If you are first to arrive, please start in the back corner and fill in down the fence lines first. Otherwise, look for members of the District Team in high-vis to direct you where to set up your Group equipment.
All cars must be off Group Areas and parked outside of the fence before 9:30am when young people start arriving.
Please do not be the Group we need to come and find to move a car at 9:29am…
Similarly at the end of the event, no cars will be allowed to drive onto the Group Areas until after 4:00pm so we can ensure all young people and their families are off safely first. You are more than welcome to pack things away before this and walk equipment to your cars.
Golden Tickets
A Leader in your Group will have received these for your whole Group. Please ensure you have written the young people’s names on them and handed them out before the event, so they can share their exciting news with their parents and carers.
If you need any more of these, please make sure you have got in touch with Rachael before Friday 21stApril. No additional Golden Tickets will be available on the day.
Young people will need to bring their named Golden Ticket with them on the day to claim their VIP wristband. After the opening ceremony Rachael will be outside of the Rapid Lad Bar, ready to exchange tickets for wristbands.
Fasttrack Queues
These will be clearly marked at each activity and those with a VIP wristband will be able to use them.
These should run just like at a theme park, where spaces for the activity are filled from both queues, resulting in the Fasttrack queues being shorter as they have less people in.
Please do re-read the Info Doc attached, and share it with your Leaders if they haven’t seen it yet, as it has lots of important details on to remember, including:
- It can get very cold on the racecourse if the sun goes in, due to the wind.
Please ensure everyone has appropriate clothing on for the day’s weather, plus an extra layer. We will parade in coats/warm layers if required. - Likewise, the wind can also cause a problem for any tentage that you bring with you.
Please ensure you have appropriate lines and pegs to secure anything you bring. - Don’t forget everyone needs a packed lunch.
- Please bring 2 copies of your attendance list (which includes all young people and adults) to Jacob and John in the Operation Centre, as you arrive on site. On this list should also be a contact number for a designated Leader in your Group, that we can ring should we need to return a lost young person or inform you of a first aid incident. We would prefer that attendance lists are handed in before all your young people arrive, and your designated Leader comes to let us know of anyone that has not turned up, rather than bringing it to us once the activities have started.
- The order of the parade will be the order that Groups book in.
- New this year is the George’s Day Challenge, make sure you pick up the young people’s challenge cards when you book in!
Lastly we are looking for a Beaver, Cub, Scout, Explorer & Network/Adult to read out the promises and reflections during the service. If you have anyone in your Group that would enjoy doing this, then please come and find Rachael during the morning, so I can give them a copy of what they will be reading to practice.