We just wanted to give you an update on some things training-related as we move ever closer to transformation and a changed way of operating in Humberside. 

First Response Training

Nothing here is changing for the vast majority of members, First Response is still a key part of our mandatory ongoing learning and we are really good at managing this in Humberside, with fewer and fewer people being suspended for this element of non-compliance! (Well Done all!) I just want to remind you that the easiest way for most people now to complete their First Response is by doing the Blended Model; where you complete an e-learning course, followed by a 2 hour Zoom call, and a brief face-to-face session (10 minutes max) with one of the local training team. This way massively improves the flexibility for you completing the training and allows you to do it from the comfort of your sofa. All info regarding completing the first response is found here! 
Completing Your First Response


This should have been filtered out from District Teams, but if you have an unfinished woodbadge that you want to get for your current role title (pre-transformation), you must have this signed off pre-transformation. Please talk to your local training teams, LTMS, TA’s and GSL’s etc. to sort this out. Any woodbadges left as incomplete post-transformation will not be awarded for “old” titled roles, only new role titles will be issued on woodbadges.

Compliance is your responsibilityJust a plea as always for all members to remember to complete your Mandatory Ongoing Learning (safety and safeguarding) prior to it expiring. DCs have to suspend peoples roles who become non-compliant for these modules 

If you do not know when this is due, please as your line manager, LTM, or if you can, log onto Compass yourself to check! We need everyone to take personal responsibility for this training to ensure we all keep young people in our care safe.

These are all available for you on the county website here.
Useful Training Links

As always if you need anything training-related, please do get in touch with me via the email below, or fill out a training request form here and someone will aim to get back to you as soon as possible to help you out! Training Request Form